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BI Vision Houston


Michael Haisten

Vice President for Business Intelligence, Daman Consulting

Michael Haisten photoMichael has provided leadership in the information management and architecture disciplines for over 22 years. He has served as chief architect, designer, and technical expert for over 70 data warehouse and data access projects. Over the course of his career, he has worked with more than 130 Fortune 500 corporations, and numerous government, university, and non-profit organizations. Michael is an acclaimed author and visionary who pioneered such forward-thinking concepts as real-time data warehousing and the VITAL Step-By-Step™ methodology. As a seasoned BI veteran, he combines knowledge of relevant technologies and techniques with the savvy of real-world experience.

What's Next?

Data Warehousing is a mature concept. Most enterprises have (at least) one in production. Some environments are in retreat, others are stable, and the lucky few still have plans for growth. Are the glory days of data warehousing over? Far from it! Considerable opportunities exist to wring greater returns out of your data warehouse investment. Many firms face the challenge of integrating a myriad of warehouses, marts, and data stores that proliferated throughout the organization. New analytic tools and techniques expand the impact of your existing assets. Virtually everywhere, there is untapped potential to grow both content and usage. Availability, flexibility and efficiency can all be enhanced. Possibly the greatest opportunity is to abandon the batch mentality and move aggressively to real-time data warehousing. The next stage in data warehouse evolution is now underway.

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